

Dear Friends,

Welcome to Alter NOW, our company’s brand new blog. We hope you’ll find it informative as we set out to chronicle the important trends underway in our industry. We hope to keep this free from sales and marketing language and simply use it as a way to start a dialogue with the stakeholders in our firm — our clients, our tenants, our contractors, our communities.

For those who may be unfamiliar with our firm, The Alter Group is 53 years old this year. We started as a residential developer in the south side of Chicago and have since grown to become a national developer of office, industrial, healthcare, hotel and retail facilities in 25 markets around the country — from California to Washington DC.

There are 160 people in 4 offices who keep the company running. I am grateful to all of them. Since brevity is the soul of wit, I will sign off here. I hope you enjoy Alter NOW.

Best wishes,

